The Kingdom of Fife was once covered in a dense network of railway tracks, many of which were closed and dismantled during the second half of the 20th century. Several passenger routes were lost as well as a large number of mineral railways. This site aims to trace the remaining evidence of these old lines and to provide some historical background on their operation. Some routes are easy to follow while others have vanished almost entirely from the surrounding landscape. In most cases it's a bit of both, with some sections of the line relative easy to pick out and others far more difficult to identify, perhaps having reverted to agricultural use or wiped off the map by building projects.
Although the focus of the project is on Fife, inevitably our journey will stray into the neighbouring counties of Clackmannanshire and Kinross. The site will concentrate on the railway infrastructure rather than the trains that ran upon it. The lines have been divided into the following categories:
Dismantled - Line closed and tracks lifted.
Abandoned - Line closed. Tracks still in place but left to nature.
Disused - Line not in active use, may be overgrown but some form of care and maintenance in evidence.
Open - Line capable of carrying traffic.
Uncertain - Current status unsure.